
Ridin' Solo

I am so bored I decided to blog ha! So Trevor is somewhere in Colorado with his dad and bros for the annual Death March. Im here, at home and I don't think I've talked for like hours. You'd think this would be a cake-walk compared to the TWO YEARS he was gone but its different when you are married and your only roommate is gone.

A LOT has happened since our last post. I got a new job (thankfully) and life has been kinda turned upside-down. It actually has been a really strengthening and growing experience for both me and trev. It always works out and Heavenly Father's plan is always better than our own. I work part-time at the BYU Math Dept. I'm their Events Coordinator and if you know me, I've been wanting to plan events so its pretty much perfect. Pretty much because its part-time. As much as I would love to be half housewife and half events planner (DREAM!), I should really be working and making money for our family. Soo, I've had a couple interviews, one really promising but didn't work out. Trevor has a job lined up which is nice but its not in Accounting which isn't so nice so I'm hoping he can get an accounting job on campus. We'll see though. I just keep thinking how President Hinckley always said, everything will work out. So life is definitely different but it is definitely better.

Life is great, Trevor and I couldn't be happier. I just wish he would get back to Utah but I'm sure he is having so much fun with the boys. I am having fun here eating chips and ice cream for dinner, I haven't done the dishes and I've successfully watched lots and lots of Law and Order.

Trevor begins school soon and my sister is coming up to Provo to start school. The fall will be wonderful and I'm really excited for what the future holds.

Gotta run, this Law and Order is getting good!

1 comment:

  1. Nat that is the best picture of Trevor I have ever seen. incredible. good luck with the jobs
